Phone: 418 562-1065
Toll free:1 877 762-8263
Club de ski de fond of Baie-des-Sables (cross-country ski and snowshoe trails)
Sophie's trail in Les Méchins (cross-country ski trail)
Saint-Adelme's trail (cross-country ski and snowshoe trail)
The Forêt municipale's trail of Saint-Félicité (cross-country ski and snowshoe trails)
The Pionniers's trail in Saint-Jean-de-Cherbourg (snowshoe trail)
The Bon Plaisir' trail of Sainte-Paule (snowshoe trail)
Club de ski de fond of Saint-Ulric (cross-country ski and snowshoe trails)
Cick here to consult all the maps of cross country ski and snowshoe trails