3, 8e rang
Saint-Jean-de-Cherbourg, Québec G0J 2R0
Phone: 418 733-8177
Email: st-jeandecherbourg@lamatanie.ca
Sitting in the heart of mountains and woods, Saint-Jean-de-Cherbourg is a village that covers an area of 113,93 km2, 90% of which represents woods. Many mesmerizing vantage points can be found, near the edge of the Chic-Chocs Mountains. Approximately 170 people inhabit the village.
The village’s earliest development can be traced back to the 1930’s due to the booming of forest exploitation. Even though this industry slowly declined in recent years, it is still considered the village’s main livelihood nowadays. The municipality almost disappeared in the 1970’s but the citizen fought to keep it standing during the Opérations Dignité.
The community center, witness to the village’s heritage, hosts different gatherings. Local institutions can rent the space for their events. There, you can also find a physical center and a thrift shop.
Saint-Jean-de-Cherbourg is a destination of choice for people who enjoy hunting, hiking or motor sports. During winter, the Mount Velo provides vast snow-covered fields where snowmobile enthusiasts can ride off-trail. The village also offers an ice skating rink, snowshoeing and walking trails, a community garden, an intergeneration park as well as snowmobile stops.
Activities: Park, Ice Skating Rink, Four-season Hiking Trails, Guided Tours for Off-trail Skiing.
Services: Convenience Store, Post Office.